Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Crip Dyke

I love all the woke establishments I frequent that just have a sign on all the bathroom doors that say Restroom. Just pick one, doesn't matter.

The best is the winery in Seattle that has one washroom with about 10 stalls that are all full doors that lock, with real walls between them.

Do your business, than go have a chat with everyone in the main area with the 30 ft trough sink with a dozen water taps.

Don't even have to make a statement, better design, just works.

(and EVERY stall is stocked with period products, just like all my bathrooms at home in every house I ever lived in. I did not die from seeing period products as a cis male.)

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Jul 4Liked by Crip Dyke

The only info necessary for any wash room (hi, Canadian friends!) is “stalls/no stalls”, and that’s only because so many men have so many issues, too many of which are dangerous.

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I have been SO many places where the line for "ladies" was way too long, and I used the men's room. No one ever complained; everyone understood why I was there. Well, everyone apart from one museum employee who directed me elsewhere. Elsewhere had 25-30 women on line, and I went right back to the men's. He was not very bright.

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My older sister and I would often use the same restroom even though as a preteen I was obviously without the language to describe myself as a trans girl. The first time I consciously used a bathroom where I was afraid I would be arrested or punished was at a Blazers game in the 1970s. I went with my big sister to the women's room. It had a long line. My sister turned us around and took us to the mens room. My brain was just reeling. "You can do this?" Before long, though, it became quite natural. My older sister would take me to the bathroom at large events like this and choose whichever had shorter lines, the women's if they seemed roughly equal, but otherwise just whatever was practical. With both of us too young for boobs or hips, who was to know?

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Jul 4Liked by Crip Dyke

‘... well over 70% of all humans will urinate at some point in their lives...’

What the hell?! Weirdos.

(And you think you know a lifeform.)

A little more seriously, sharing a bathroom with other guys kinda makes me uncomfortable. I deal. Don’t really see this making it particularly worse. I think my preference would be one room one hominid but, eh, when it’s not that I seem to manage.

(In my wild youth I remember a few times women coming into the men’s in clubs probably because lines too. I think I got over the trauma okay. Haven’t particularly felt a need to bring that up with my therapist yet.)

... also in Canada we tried to put a right to piss in the bill of rights but due French/English language barrier issues this was misunderstood by some as a right to peace and they got in a fight over that and wound up leaving it out.

(The right to take the piss obviously was less controversial, and was thus enshrined.)

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Went to a nightclub and it was packed. The line to get into the ladies room was fucking long. So, because I don't give two fucks, what anyone thought I wasn't go piss myself waiting in line. I boldly went into the men's room🤣 A bunch of other women followed🤣 A guy walked in and the look on his face was priceless 🤣😂🤣 He just started laughing 🤣 He totally understood why we were in there and he didn't give two fucks either 🤷‍♀️ Those folks bitching about gendered bathrooms have a lot of unresolved issues about who they are. The average person honestly doesn't care. So please don't let those cretins get you down too much 🫂🤗💕

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Jul 3Liked by Crip Dyke

All toilets should be gender neutral. All toilets should have baby changing stations.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Crip Dyke

The nearest toliets (three stalls) to the break room where I work went unisex after a refurbishment. No one really bothered until the filthy state my fellow blokes left it in lead to it becoming a de facto gents.

Starmer never fails to disappoint. Now he's managed to turn the Labour Party into something that Murdoch's "The Sun" can support. Just needed to adopt enough of the Tories' nasty policies.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Crip Dyke

We could do what some of the Nordic countries do: set up individual bathrooms. They work and exemplify inclusive design.

What I want to say to the people who get up in arms about bathrooms as CD describes is "your religion is deliberately driving a wedge between you and everyone else in your life. 'Created he them male and female' is just a way to ensure that you other the other gender from the get-go and, bc of the othering, shut out fifty percent of the human race."


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Jul 3Liked by Crip Dyke

Can't you just go do your business in Canada? I'm all about making Canadians uncomfortable.

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This post made me slightly chuckle a couple of times which made me pee a little and now I'm uncomfortable and I'd like to know what you plan to do to comfort me.

Also, I'd like to offer a correction to one of your predictions: If government buildings were required to add gender inclusive bathrooms, they wouldn't budget for a major remodel project. They'd have maintenance install a toilet in the hopper room in the basement.

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>> This post made me slightly chuckle a couple of times which made me pee a little and now I'm uncomfortable and I'd like to know what you plan to do to comfort me. <<

Unfortunately I can't put those details in writing without some software that verifies all readers from Utah are over 18.

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I consent.

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Jul 3Liked by Crip Dyke

For all of Utah, or just the cities?

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Jul 4Liked by Crip Dyke


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I suggest they do what the Alamo Drafthouse movie theater in Lower Manhattan did: Segregate the bathrooms, but by function instead of gender: one for "urinals" and the other for "commodes" (or "stalls" or whatever you want to call it). I feel so comfortable there that I even dress in a skirt there (I'm early in my transition, as I started HRT on May 12), and nobody is weirded out or looks at me funny. It's accepted as normal (Of course, this may have to do with the fact that the establishment is in Queer Mecca NYC, but I have a hunch that inclusive design has more to do with it).

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Congrats on HRT!

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Thank you! The reason I chose that date in particular was because it was the day after my sister’s wedding.

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