Isn’t buy now pay later just a credit card?? My guess is that it’s cheaper to use the credit card. Also from that article I find it a little suspect that they say half of people making 100,000 + have little to no money left over after expenses. They can’t all live in expensive cities. 30 percent maybe but not 50.

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I prefer the word "transmisia" which is "hate of trans people" rather than "transphobia" which is "fear of trans people". They don't merely fear us, they downright want to see us dead. If you hate someone or some group so much that you want to see them dead, that's more of a -misia than a -phobia.

That's just my 2¢ as someone with a baccalaureate in Linguistics from NYU (Our family even invited the professor of historical linguistics to our graduation party). Your reasons for using "cissexism" are extremely valid. I feel that my reasons for using "transmisia" should be qualified in the same regard.

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