Sweet story. I just would like to know: Which Portland?

Vik the OWL ( old white lesbian)

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Oregon, thanks for asking!

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One Christmas Eve visiting my family in the Albany area (pre-kids), we were looking to get away for a while. We drove around up and down Central Ave in Colonie, looking for a place to get a bite to eat and a drink.

We found a small Italian restaurant that was still open; I can't remember how late it was. We had a great meal and a couple of drinks, and a lovely time, before returning to the chaos of my family.

A couple of years later, we went looking for the restaurant and couldn't find it; it was a small building, and easy to miss. We call it our Brigadoon Christmas Eve Italian dinner.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Crip Dyke

Terrific story!

BTW, I think I know you from somewhere? Skepchick, maybe?

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What a great story, thanks.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Crip Dyke

Terrific story!

BTW, I think I know you from somewhere? Skepchick, maybe?

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Yes, possibly! I was never very active on Skepchick, but I was there a bit. I was more visible at Pharyngula, if you crossed over to that space.

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Yes, I was there sometimes as well. At some con once, two different people mistook me for PZ, so I offered to be his evil twin, but he told me the job was already taken, that he was his own evil twin, but I could be his good twin if I wanted. I had to turn the job down, too much stress.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Crip Dyke

If it were me naming it, I'd have gone with "The Horse's Brass".

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I frequented that place decades ago, when I lived in Portland. Loved it. Also too, Portland had a mustard back then called Bunko that I was addicted to, but it seems to have disappeared

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Crip Dyke

Awww. A beautiful story. Thank you from a Portland Wonk drop-in…

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Seems a rarity anymore to find a pub as comfortable as favorite t-shirt, no judgement or agendas just hospitality. Your story allowed me a nice visit.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Crip Dyke

What a sweet story; thanks for sharing it!

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Crip Dyke

Love this, thanks CD!

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What a lovely story. 🙂

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