Jun 30Liked by Crip Dyke

My dad went to med school in India, but has lived and practiced medicine in the US for over fifty years, and his “spec-i-ality” — not “specialty”, and not “specialism” — is gastroenterology.

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Jun 27Liked by Crip Dyke

UK Labour is an endless fount of disappointments. "Here's how we plan to be better, less cruel, or even just different than the Tories: (not found)"

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Jun 26Liked by Crip Dyke

The Tories are actively trying to hurt every single minority community they can think of at the moment; the Trans community and the LGBTQ+ community in general, refugees and the immigrant community, and the disabled. Maybe I should take a brief step away from writing about cakes and write about their idiotic plan to stop monthly PIP payments for the disabled and long-term sick.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author


Our chef British correspondent!

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I presume there's some vicious electoral math at play.

They probably see more value in getting a high-profile former Labour supporter (and donor, of course 💲💲💲) back onside, and out of the Murdoch papers, than supporting the actually oppressed.

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Jun 25Liked by Crip Dyke

All Jo had to do was say “Thank you all so much for educating me on this matter” or “I apologize for my ignorance” but no. She just chose ignorance.

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Isn't that special🫤 Heads they win. Tails we lose🫠

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I hate that our voting choices are basically between the same parties in different colours. However, there's a Reform candidate standing in my area and since I cannot abide any of their positions, the safest option is to vote for one of the Big Two and then start writing letters.

On a side note, I bought Hogwarts Legacy (second hand, so no money to JKR) and laughed like a maniac when I met the innkeeper, an openly trans character. I wish she had a bigger story.

And a side side note, we on this side of the Pond use "speciality" with that extra i. But specialism is such a good word, why would you not use it?

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

OMG, I wrote "speciality" and autocorrect stole my 2nd I!

ETA: I have fixed & updated the post!

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