Substacks AI is never wrong! Much....too often...ok, is frequently wrong. It reminds me of Marvel's The Age of Ultron where it develops its own thinking and disconnects you if you disagree with it.

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Am I signing this....???I.???? Hope so, no nazis.

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I’m signing. I came to Substack because Wonkette did, and I’ve appreciated seeing different blogs and news sources here, but recently it’s gotten harder and harder to use it as I liked, just reading by author. It’s all cluttered up with recommendations and rarely are they something I want to see. To make it easier, I “subscribe” to the good ones but then I have too many subscriptions to read effectively by author. While I used to get a nice selection of my subscriptions on my main mobile page, now I get all kinds of extras (no Nazis yet) and miss out on my preferred stacks (like yours.)

I rarely used Facebook back when it was connecting with friends and no ads, but it is similarly unusable now because I get all sorts of advertising content and only a few of my friends in my feed. It is effectively useless and I only use it to sell things now and to keep up with the PTA and my other small business friends.

I have followed a few authors off Substack but it’s definitely harder to keep up with them because it requires remembering to look. Oh, how I miss the good Feed Readers.

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Jonathan Katz bailed for good reasons...now posting independently, he wanted NO truck with a platform that if not welcomed Nazi writers, certainly indulged and excused them coz 1st Amendment...hope you don't go that route.

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Sep 26Liked by Crip Dyke

So that's how I've ended up with Jacob Rees-Mogg's substack in my recommendations.

There is no way I would ever subscribe to, or recommend that haunted-Russian-doll-masquerading-as-a-sexually-repressed-Victorian-consumption-sufferer's substack to anyone.

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I saw his original post and was looking forward to his explanation of the global elite and why he ain't one. Unfortunately it's subscriber only, so I'll never know. Presumably the global elite's too déclassé.

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From what I've seen, he seems to be writing some form of history. I've seen a little of his previous writing on the subject, it's very much the kind of historical thinking that was prevalent during the Victorian era until around the 1970s - lots of "yay empire", "Rule Britania" and general patriarchal claptrap.

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Sep 26Liked by Crip Dyke

Agreed! Give the authors control!

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I am a dinosaur. How/ where do I sign?

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You just did.

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Sep 26Liked by Crip Dyke

Absolutely. The last thing I need is Nazis on people’s timelines because they read my stuff.

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Sep 26Liked by Crip Dyke

Consider it signed.

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Signing below.

Fuck Nazis and Nazi sympathizers. Zero exceptions.

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Signed. Restacking now

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Sep 26Liked by Crip Dyke

Agree, and restacked.

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Sep 26Liked by Crip Dyke

I agree with you but have not yet seen it myself.

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Hi CD, I've been disgusted with Substack for many months now. Not only have they made suggestions that are abhorrent to me, I've also been exposed to easily proven fraudulent accounts- which I block and report to Substack. For example, I've been followed by Elon Musk about 4 times, some woman claiming to be an "educator and day-trader" but they used a photo of Roberta Metsola (President of the European Parliament) and countless fraudsters who have used photos that were/are profiled on fraud warning websites. I mean come on, I'm no Columbo here and even I know to double-check these accounts.

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Sep 26Liked by Crip Dyke

I agree with you completely.

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