Sunday Summary is our chance to wrap up the week, get back to stories that need small updates, and make sure that folks who missed something have a chance to catch up.
Once again, i’m writing your Sunday Summary on Sunday itself, which means that while this will be published on Sunday evening on the West Coast, many of you will not receive it until Monday morning. Someday soon I’ll get in the habit of writing these for you on Saturday so you can peruse the week’s stories in your flannel & footies this winter. Seriously! I promise!
What do you want to hear from bigots? Is it crickets?
I cannot tell you how much joy Trans Kids Deserves Better brings me. A direct action group in the UK, they’ve been getting into good trouble in London repeatedly this year. While initial actions involved signage and marching, they quickly elevated their game to climbing buildings — first the NHS England headquarters and then the Ministry of Education HQ. Now they smuggled thousands of insectoid allies into an anti-trans conference, disrupting a planned speech. I need to write about these kids more!
Kamala Harris has a unique opportunity.
Harris could do good things from the Oval Office if she wins the presidency, but the mere fact of her presidency has the power to help America better itself.
Bald is beautiful. Gender Policing is not.
A marathon runner and activist for women and others with alopecia (lack of hair) was harassed in an airport bathroom by a gender cop who could not believe that women could be bald. The activist took to social media for support and initially got it … until she received so much attention that someone decided to look in her timeline and found that just 2 weeks prior she had been peddling anti-trans politics. While trans people were mostly polite and supportive with occasional pointed remarks about learning life lessons, the internet being the internet she also received some hateful garbage. All in all another example of how gender policing ruins everything, so maybe we should choose not.
There are no undeserving disaster victims.
The right is engaged in a tragicomic attempt to portray blue California as unworthy of help when disaster strikes while maintaining that the conservative Floridians and Carolinians struck by hurricanes in recent weeks are completely different and deserve all the aid, only faster, and better, and more Trumpy. They had to do so because Trump threatened to withhold disaster aid for California’s wildfires, but that didn’t make the narrative that they came up with remotely moral or remotely true.
Riley Gaines hates Victoria’s Secret.
And not because of the cheap, pokey underwires. Guess we spoiled this one in the pic up top, but you can still read up in this note if you are one of the lucky ones not so familiar with anti-trans hate mongery that you know who Gaines is already.
Trans issues are everyone’s issues.
Media coverage of trans people and issues are improving, but an otherwise good Pro Publica story portrays the GOP’s attacks on trans people as an entirely new strategy, disconnected from anything in its past. Pervert Justice has noticed the trend of considering trans people so different from everyone else that trans stuff can’t possibly be connected with all that other stuff. We provided some needed (but loving) correction along with an anecdote about how your friendly neighbourhood Crip Dyke was not, herself, always so historically aware.
The New York Liberty won an overtime game 5 in the WNBA Finals to take the series 3-2. Not every series goes to game 5, and I don’t think any have gone to overtime in game 5. This was a brutally hard fought series with exceptional play by many women. If you love strong women kicking ass, I hope you saw this. People who know women’s basketball are calling this the best WNBA Finals in history. I have not seen all of them, but I saw this one and I believe it!
Well! That’s your summary of a busy week. Don’t forget to buy more candy. There’s only 10 days left to eat it before you have to start giving it away.
Crip Dyke also writes for the delightfully cussmouthed Wonkette!
Sound off as you like, share how your week was, and make sure to add corrections or story ideas if you have them.
I had a lovely dream recently where I had this amazingly cute pink dress and everybody complimented me on it and asked me where I got it. Every so often I think Nature made me as a perfect trans lesbian and then forgot not to make me a cis man. (I would wear a pink dress, but I doubt I could get a nice one in size Six Feet Tall Eight Feet Thick Oblate Spheroid.)
Your writing remains excellent and on point, CD. I was looking for the crickets story ever since bitterkarella mentioned it in their Midnight Society stories.
"There’s only 10 days left to eat it before you have to start giving it away." Brilliant! [chef's kiss]