i only recently freescribed to PJ, after catching glimpses of you (i can only presume) on FTB a decade ago, and now here i am complaining just like a typical internet dude.

i've tried refreshing and restarting and i know my phone is suffering and needs to be replaced, but the only links that i cannot get to work are for the WNBA pieces (but it's okay, I'd already read them) and the Rebecca Chaptegei piece(s?) (it's not okay, i've never read it/them!)

now I'm off to g00gle it up because you almost certainly have better things to do at this precise moment, like eat or sleep!

but please do get your PA (i mean obviously you hired one with yr huge cut of the massive fortune i laundered to Wonkette) to fix either those links or my phone? kthx ♥️

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoAuthor

Thank you for free scribing! And yes, that would have been me over at FtB. There may be many other crip dykes out there, but none using that handle at FtB, I am quite sure. I'm really glad you're over here and reading and commenting!

Also, too, I will def fix your phone right quick. I'm good at such things as my education is definitely not in feminism, philosophy and law, and definitely focussed on using a solder gun to unbrick electronics. Highly skilled with technology, that's me.

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see?! i TOLD my extensive network of influential contacts that you were disguising your actual real expertises! mmm... vindication.

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It's always a joy to read and learn from you.

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Your article about Rebecca Cheptegei truly was among the best stuff I've read ever. I don't think even you, the writer of such an amazing piece, should realistically be expected to attain that level of perfection every time you write. Besides, everything you write is still pretty damn good. As can be shown, for example, in your brilliant and highly enjoyable piece about Cinnamon. And your point about Robinson's objectification of trans people was spot on. All in all, you are one helluva writer! Thank you for doing what you do.

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It is now the following day and I'm still not prepared.

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Brothers of Perpetual Catchup ✊🏼

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Sep 23Liked by Crip Dyke

Mark Robinson's trans woman fetish is just that: a fetish. He's little different than a chaser, and arguably worse because he wants us dead. You know how in Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City, and San Andreas when you invite a prostitute into your vehicle, and afterwards you can run them over with said vehicle? The main character is Mark Robinson, and the prostitutes are we trans women in the metaphor: basically Mark Robinson and his fellow chaser/trans-fetishists want to solicit us for our sexual services and kill us afterwards.

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thanks for reminding me of the first time a game i had fiendishly anticipated made me cringe, wince, and walk away..

and the only reason I'd do the same to Mark Robinson is that he seems thoroughly immunized to public shaming.

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