and I still can't type: power

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What is there for the rest of us to do?

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Well, I wrote this b/c of the tendency to laugh at those silly folks hundreds of years ago who thought masculinity was ending when it clearly wasn't.

This particular article isn't a call for any particular action, but the misunderstanding of the dynamics in such cases that allow us to laugh at such "silliness" does point to the need to educate ourselves about gender and its power dynamics. Other stories might point (more directly) toward needed activism, but here I think the lesson is just that ... there's so much left to learn. We can't spend 24 hours a day educating ourselves, of course. And there are more issues of justice than just gender justice. Even so, I have spent quite a lot of time on these issues and still find myself learning new things. So epistemic humility is, I think, the order of the day. We should never think we have learned all we need to know about gender and its dynamics.

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Jun 11Liked by Crip Dyke

You are absolutely correct. As a member of the so-called second generation of feminism, I at first did not see past my white privilege at first. Happily, it was a black dyke who showed me the way forward in many ways.

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Jun 11Liked by Crip Dyke

Hoo boy, do I need to proofread better 😁

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You know that you can edit your comments after the fact! The little "..." in the bottom right of your comment allows you more options if you click on it, and one of those is editing.

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Ah, there's the rub, apologies to Will S, many women cling to that ideal of masculinity in hopes of being protected, cared for, and given powere by proxy, quislings of our sisters.

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"Age and Treachery will always overcome Youth and Skill"

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Jun 10Liked by Crip Dyke

But Crip Dyke, as you point out, this is a cycle that’s been going on for generations and generations. For millennia, even! Patriarchy is not something that could easily be eradicated. I’m not saying we shouldn’t try, but it sure as hell is not going to be easy.

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>> I’m not saying we shouldn’t try, but it sure as hell is not going to be easy. <<

Fully agreed.

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Jun 10Liked by Crip Dyke

And here I am, a lesbian attracted to Butch women. Oh the irony 🤣

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This says something else ironic about the incel crowd who can’t even find woman to “submit” to them. Other men certainly aren’t going to do so.

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