Someone, I can't recall if it was King or Malcolm, said that racism wasn't a Black problem, it was a white people problem.

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It’s a perfect lesson in Othering - whip people up into a frenzy with horrific accusations so when the murders start people believe the others deserve it. It’s fucking sick.

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Lost in the utter insanity of "eating cats and dogs" was the parallel claim that disease rates are up because of these immigrants. I know it's easy to go for the sensational, but every media outlet has ignored the other claim which has long-established roots in racism, and JD and Trump were just allowed to spread that hate unchecked. As for moderating the moderators, I read an article maybe ten years ago that detailed with great precision how the bleating and braying from the hard right has successfully moved the refs to judge from right-of-center, meaning before the left even gets started, the refs are against them. We only need to look at our national news media, the judicial system, and our school boards to see how that has played out. People are afraid to speak from center, lest they be screamed at for being "biased." I wish I could find the article now, but Google has been broken for the last five years so I've given up.

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Disease rates are up because of our own home grown anti-vaccination idiocy.

This unfortunately includes rabies in the wild, and I have a sick feeling in my stomach that it may be accounting for a lot of missing pets that aren't coming back home these days.

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You're right - when I saw people were now refusing to vaccinate their own pets due to anti-vaccine bias, I knew we were in trouble.

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This is really just affecting me viscerally, this particular blood libel. And it's the same one we've kept having in the USA for decades.

All the horrors that Haiti faces as that legacy of rapacious colonialism, and people escape it just to get more hell. And they're HELPING this town. I'm glad there's people sticking up for them but how long till they get beat down?

The United States, as always, is fundamentally incapable of stopping the scourge of stochastic terrorism. Maybe it's also because that's part of how you keep that colonial social order.

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>> This is really just affecting me viscerally, this particular blood libel. <<

I'm so sorry. LMK if I can help in anyway, from this distant end of the internet.

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You're helping a ton by writing about this and being an ally as you always are.

I'm just so upset that I know Klan Robe and Jizzy are out and out going to get more people killed as they whip their stochastic terrorist cultists into a froth. And sooner or later one "lone wolf" goes off.

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I said yesterday that I'm very scared for Ohioans from Haiti or whose parents/grandparents emigrated from Haiti.

I don't particularly think this is going to spill over to, say, NYC where there's a strong Haitian community but it's a big melting pot and they're not targeted in the same way as they are in Ohio (not that it's all sweetness and light, but it's still not the same experience). But I don't think it's going to stop at the city limits of Springfield, or even at the state borders of Ohio.

This shit is just too dangerous to leave unopposed.

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Don't the Haitians ever get a break? When we don't accuse them of practicing voodoo, we come up with crazy crap like this...

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Have you ever read the SCOTUS case Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye (sp, prob)?

Let me look up a link... [click, whirrrrrr] ... Here it is:


And hey, I got the name of the church correct. More or less. (Forgot the ", Inc.")

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This kind of stuff has been going on since the days of Toussaint L'Ouverture. He led Haiti to become the first self-governing colony in the Caribbean, but their colonial masters, the French, weren't having any of that, so they demonized him and his followers- and that demonization has rarely stopped.

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