These people make me So Angry. I would like to introduce them to my small trans friend who is the same age and gender as my kid and is in the same gymnastics related activity. My cis kid is a probably foot taller and probably fifty pounds heavier than her trans friend, and yet they can compete just fine with one another because people are remarkably varied in size and ability within an age group. One might even say that my big kid has an unfair advantage by virtue of being a week older and 50% larger. My kid even gets more practice time because her equipment is shared by fewer kids because of her size. “Tall kids are taking all the scholarships!” one might whine.
These TERF people want a fight that isn’t reasonably there. I hate them for being idiotic. Sometimes I feel a need for all-woman spaces - but that’s spaces without cis men, not spaces without trans women. And that’s only because sometimes it’s tiring to be with people who are reared to be unaware of my struggles. No trans woman has ever been unaware of how hard it is to be a woman.
They're garbage people but unfortunately they have a good constituency because a disturbingly large number of people feel nice and comfortable being bigoted against trans people. And we all know once they're destroyed all trans people they'll move up to the next numerically larger minority.
Okay one of the reasons for Title IX was that women were barred from athletics in the 1920s-1960s (late 1960s) because they might become to masculine to "attract a man" or worse, "become a lesbian".* The abysmal performance of the US Women's Team was a matter of National Security! This led to Title IX. We needed to beat the Commies.
*well documented. The whole "protect the womb crowd" is still alive and this is why women cannot check in hockey and, as in roller derby, we know this is bunk because the #1 career ending injury is a parasitic infection known as "pregnancy".
Also, the big money athletics in the 1900s was women's basketball, they made more money than college football. Men's football was controlled by the students, women's athletics was controlled by the college administration who became increasingly obsessed with female body parts.
Me too. I foolishly clicked and then was angry for a lot of time. But I like Crip Dyke’s symbolic version better so I am going to pretend I thought of that too. And somehow I missed the version with the minus, which I am glad about because I would be EVEN ANGRIER.
These people make me So Angry. I would like to introduce them to my small trans friend who is the same age and gender as my kid and is in the same gymnastics related activity. My cis kid is a probably foot taller and probably fifty pounds heavier than her trans friend, and yet they can compete just fine with one another because people are remarkably varied in size and ability within an age group. One might even say that my big kid has an unfair advantage by virtue of being a week older and 50% larger. My kid even gets more practice time because her equipment is shared by fewer kids because of her size. “Tall kids are taking all the scholarships!” one might whine.
These TERF people want a fight that isn’t reasonably there. I hate them for being idiotic. Sometimes I feel a need for all-woman spaces - but that’s spaces without cis men, not spaces without trans women. And that’s only because sometimes it’s tiring to be with people who are reared to be unaware of my struggles. No trans woman has ever been unaware of how hard it is to be a woman.
I love me a Firefly reference used in a good cause. Thank you for the flashback. And the great warning against another anti-trans bigot.
They're garbage people but unfortunately they have a good constituency because a disturbingly large number of people feel nice and comfortable being bigoted against trans people. And we all know once they're destroyed all trans people they'll move up to the next numerically larger minority.
Yeah, I did the ill-advised Click Of Fate on this piece of hot garbage, too. AND it was first thing in the morning, barely any coffee.
I rate this post 5 Caitlin Clarks.
Okay one of the reasons for Title IX was that women were barred from athletics in the 1920s-1960s (late 1960s) because they might become to masculine to "attract a man" or worse, "become a lesbian".* The abysmal performance of the US Women's Team was a matter of National Security! This led to Title IX. We needed to beat the Commies.
*well documented. The whole "protect the womb crowd" is still alive and this is why women cannot check in hockey and, as in roller derby, we know this is bunk because the #1 career ending injury is a parasitic infection known as "pregnancy".
Also, the big money athletics in the 1900s was women's basketball, they made more money than college football. Men's football was controlled by the students, women's athletics was controlled by the college administration who became increasingly obsessed with female body parts.
I have not read. I am crunk, but as a obligatory cis person, where can I get off this planet?
I read it as women above men. So there's that
Me too. I foolishly clicked and then was angry for a lot of time. But I like Crip Dyke’s symbolic version better so I am going to pretend I thought of that too. And somehow I missed the version with the minus, which I am glad about because I would be EVEN ANGRIER.
Next time please warm me not to have hot tea in my mouth when you quote the Hero of Canton.
Not going to click. Now or ever. Thanks for the warning, CD.
That Forbes article was excruciating. I didn't listen to you OR Rebecca. 🙃
Sucks to be us.