
Mom of a Dysphoric Kid is blocked and banned.

I've written about them before without naming names, but for those curious, MoaDK was one of three people spamming me with multiple responses over a short period of time that prompted this:


If you, MoaDK, are reading this, a large part of why I banned you was for spamming. I let people with whom I vehemently disagree comment, but 6 comments so quickly that no one else has a chance to say anything? No. That's not conversing, that's monologuing. You're trying to yell loud enough and long enough to dominate the conversation. That's not welcome here.

If you're someone who disagrees with me but is NOT MoaDK, another reason that I blocked and banned them so quickly was that I felt that in my previous reading there was literally zero chance that MoaDK would or even could change their mind about anything. Again, this goes to lecturing vs discussing, dialoguing vs monologuing.

I love to host smart people disagreeing with me, but if you do, you're going to have to show that you can change your mind if you want someone to read what you write with the same level of open respect. You're also going to have to show some engagement with what's written in the post or note on which you're commenting. This means more than putting up a link that you think disproves something I've said. You need to accurately summarize my position so I know you understood it, then you need to accurately summarize your source, and then you need to use reasonable argument to show how the information from your source makes my argument less likely to be true.

If you can do that, you're welcome here despite our disagreements. If you can't, you have your own blog on which to post 6 cut-and-paste diatribes in 6 minutes. Don't use mine.

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What was the rate of suicide by age 18 for children who did receive gender-affirming care and were no longer on the list? Does it approximate the baseline population risk?

If not, and if we have only counted minors who stay on the list until age 18, we could expect to see a statistical rise in deaths solely on that basis.

I don't have any prior conclusion here. I have heard figures for relative suicide rates, but in a trans-hostile context which made me doubt their reliability.


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As difficult as it is to read, it is very important that we continue to see the numbers, and that we continue to fight for the rights of all trans people.

Many of us, including myself, have lost people we loved to suicide. Being the bearer of their memories is so goddamn gutting at times, but I must live on to honor them.

Thank you again for your work CD. ☮️

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Jun 24Liked by Crip Dyke

This just shatters my heart. As someone who has dealt with suicidal ideation since I was a teen, to know there are children out there who feel that hopelessness and despair so keenly they just need it to stop for a moment, only for that moment to become permanent, just overwhelms me. The rage becomes grief becomes despair at how anyone could be so hateful as to want a dead child over a trans child. I don’t know how you continue your emotional labor in such dark times, but I am so grateful for your light and your fight.

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Jun 24Liked by Crip Dyke

Every one of these innocent children lost is a stain on society.

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Indeed. Every trans youth suicide is a murder.

While I don't usually include "youth" in that statement, it's germane to the current subject. It's even more saddening to realize that it would be just as accurate, if not more, with "youth" removed.

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Completely agreed. Adults have a responsibility to the young. We don't each have to personally take care of any of them (much less all of them), but we must structure society so that SOMEONE does.

If people are voting for those -- like the Tories -- who are more interested in preventing care than funding it, that is a moral blemish that they much wear and that others must witness, name, and change.

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Jun 24Liked by Crip Dyke

Thank you for this. I keep trying and failing to read Cass because it makes me so angry I have to walk away before I break something.

The slight upside is that the newer regional centres exist. I know that at least one has the policy of accepting those who age out of children's services taking into account time already waited. This means they don't go to the back of the queue for adult services. However, it does make the waiting time for adult services longer.

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