This gonna be a wall of text.

Been there, done that, got the fucking t-shirt.

Threw a 00 buckshot off the side of the road 15 years ago.

That 12 gauge 00 buckshot round had a fucking primer imprint in it.

Remington 870 shotguns do not misfire.

Until they do.

and that is why I'm here.

My shotgun misfired.


and here I am.

I still have a bit of an issue wrapping my head around that

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Mar 28Liked by Crip Dyke

This might be less true for a teen, but when I came closest - I had stockpiled the pills and considered the plans - I didn’t believe my partner knew how to take care of our dogs, which I loved.

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Mar 28Liked by Crip Dyke

Thank you for making this post; it's really important.

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Mar 28Liked by Crip Dyke

Further resources: My friend/colleague Lance Preston founded the incredible Rainbow Youth Project, always going above and beyond, every last person.


(317) 643-4888

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Mar 28Liked by Crip Dyke

Some years ago I read the book "Stay" by Jennifer Michael Hecht. I don't really get suicidal thoughts anymore, but it made a world of difference back then and I'm sure I'd revisit it if I ever felt I needed to. I eventually adopted R.E.M.'s "Living Well is the Best Revenge" as an anthem. That's made a big difference, too.

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Thank you 💜

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Mar 28Liked by Crip Dyke

🥰 ❤️ 😘

Thank you for caring

I had a couple of attempts, the physical pain brought me out of the psychological torment. Now I tell myself, when the black dog returns, “my brain is trying to kill me, shut up brain, you’re not the boss of me!”

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Mar 28Liked by Crip Dyke

#4 for me. I bowled in a league with a guy who shot himself and lived. Lord love him, he was a walking, talking cautionary tale

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I'm 28 years on the green side of the grass, all cause of professionals who got my brain back to a mostly functional bit.

Reach out- my best friend saved my life cause he came over and took my guns from me.

28 years- and more coming- cause I got help,

You can do this.

You ARE worth it.

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Mar 28Liked by Crip Dyke

Stay alive to spite the haters and make their lives more uncomfortable.

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Mar 28Liked by Crip Dyke

I feel so for that poor child. I was bullied in school too and while I never tried suicide I had a miserable adolescence. I have lost several friends and my closest brother to suicide and it hurts to think I might have done something to help but didn't know in time.

Hugs to you, CD.

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Don't forget that you can also reach out to translifeline.org if you're a trans person who wants to chat or talk with a fellow trans person who can help. Sometimes we're not safe admitting our suicidal thoughts where police might intervene, and translifeline is that vital safety net.

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